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Reiki Learn Online
Angelic Reiki - Level I, II
Learn – Self, In person, family and distance healing – Online
Angelic Reiki works at a Soul level, addressing the cause of any condition, advancing really deep healing and transformation. During a treatment, both practician and receiver are connected to pure divine power through the Angelic Kingdom of Light. This lets very high vibrational energies of Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Galactic Healers work to help free physical, ancestral, emotional and karmic instabilities across all time.
Angelic Reiki-Level I, II
WEEK 1 Learn Self Healing
Angelic Reiki-Level I, II
WEEK 1Learn In Person and Family Healing
Angelic Reiki-Level I, II
WEEK2 Learn Inner Transformational Skills
Powerful Cosmic Healing technique will be shared for participants to meet your personal Angelic Divine Guide, who will stay with you all your life and beyond. Psychic abilities will be enabled or enhanced.
Note: This is the only certificate program, which will invoke your personal divine angels or guides.
Significance of NavAvran Sadhna
Comprehensive understanding of:
- Bhog(infinite manifestation and fulfillment),
- Moksha (destruction of karmas and dissolution of ego),
- Shunya(serene stillness),
- Srishti (progressive creative awareness),
- Sanghaar(dematerialization awareness),
- Sthiti(existential awareness),
- Ultimate Reality (differentiate Maya(illusion), Lila(play), and Satya (Truth)), and
- Shiva (the Supreme Consciousness).
What Does Karuna Mean ?
The word itself “Karuna” is of Sanskrit origin. It is related to the generic ideas and meanings of unconditional love, compassion, Kindness and spiritual evolution.
To make things more clear, Karuna refers to being compassionate to self as well as others because we are all one.
While getting the wisdom and learning the techniques you yourself will heal and would be able to help others too .
This learning process will extend even further and further , not only lasting for this lifetime but beyond , not only to yourself but many others .
Being interconnected , these positive healing , will influence many people, plant and animals. Also impact the planet and the universe by making it a healthier , peaceful and happier place .
Level I in Week 1
Learn Self Healing with Imprinted Music
Level II in Week 1
Learn In Person and Family Healing with Imprinted Music
Level III in Week 2
Learn Distance Healing with Imprinted Music
Download A Free Ebook
Even though everyone was born with a perfect set of balanced chakras, they are constantly bombarded by various elements that slowly corrode their chakras as they grow up. Money Chakra Secrets is a simple yet highly impactful guide that will teach you chakra balancing techniques so you\’ll be able to heal your chakras into perfect alignment and attract wealth and abundance into your life. When you follow the techniques and rituals distilled inside for as little as 20 minutes a day, you will prime yourself for not just financial wealth, but also all the good things in your life.
Angelic Reiki is the total joy of working hand in hand with the Angelic Kingdom of Light to bring one of the greatest forms of healing to people, human consciousness and the Earth. Working hand in hand with the Angelic Realms, Ascended Master collective and Galactic Beings, Angelic Reiki provides a sound system of healing and consciousness expansion. It’s a mighty means of personal growth, transformation and readying for ascending. It’s the healing for our time. Angelic Reiki is a mighty healing modality that works with the highest powers of the Angelic Realm to manifest healing and balance on all layers to those getting the healing power. With Angelic Reiki we have the chance for self healing and to send out healing to others, places and situations near and far away
Healing is considered greatest form of service in collective sphere, exchanging optimistic, constructive, empathetic, loving, and kind vibes among all, through silence, speech, or acts is healing too.
The secret technique of inviting great fortune into your life
The technique of using Reiki healing as a fantastic medicine for all illness.
The placement of the hand on or over the body in certain places to adjust the life energy in the body.
The technique of using symbols through the levels of form and Divine form.
10 Sessions of online workshop
Certificate of completion
Schedule & Time
Starting on 21st - 31st March 2025
Zoom link will be shared in the E-mail and Whatsapp group
21st - 24th March 2025
Week 1: Reiki Level 1, 2 and Angelic Reiki Level 1, 2
US Time: 9:30 pm-10:30 pm EST
India Time: 7:00 am-8:00 am IST
28th - 31st March 2025
Week 2: Karuna Reiki Level 1, 2
US Time: 9:30 pm-10:30 pm EST
India Time: 7:00 am-8:00am IST
If this in-person workshop, is on later date, we have online courses available for you to check out , right now .
Know about the valuable feedback from our clients
Please join me to get yourself aligned to your financial abundance, with the blessings of Mahalaxmi and her Swarupas.
As always many more secret methods, tools, and techniques that you will be able to use all your life to manifest anything.
Contact tohttps://SoulfulLivingLLC.com 1-877-766-7811