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Joint family to nuclear family to individuals .. is it a journey of completion?

In my individual healing sessions, comes across many broken souls, spirits, and heart…
Soul, at one point in time to complete themselves, needed a village, then husband and wife and there 2-3 children, made home can I live without mom or dad, kind of children, my father my hero .. my mom, my pride… My children… hope he got a good meal, husband and wife shared deep love, respect, and appreciation for each other.
Time kept moving for those souls, and children moved out, leaving an empty nest behind…
Husband and wife had already forgotten to talk about anything else but children and chores .. now that, both the connecting themes, are out of the system, both start looking at each other as strangers.
But the wisdom that has dawned in the process, the knowing of impermanence, gets permeated into individual cells of the body.
Bondages of associations break and the individual self starts reckoning, ready to close every shortcoming that caused that dependency at various levels.
Path to self-discovery gives birth to, respecting one’s self, and mastering the art of touching its own core, its own desire.
Self-discovery is not an easy path, it really, feels like, a surgical procedure, done on self, without any anesthesia, going through unbearable excruciating pain only to reach the goal of being in the state of sat chit Anand.
The Continuous bliss and happiness. When the universe becomes you and you the universe.
And naturally, you start chanting, while tears of happiness and contentment flow, after rejoining with the supreme.
Naturally the Chant fl
Shivohum shivohum
Shiva swarupam !!
And the joy in the heart overflows when that individual soul, which is Prakriti ( ATma), is
The Parvati and only purush is Shiva( Param-Atma)